CREW requests records on Interior funding Trump propaganda
CREW is suing the Interior Department following their failure to release documents. In the Interior Department’s acknowledgement of CREW’s request, they provided a link to public documents on the application and the final permit for the August 27, 2020 fireworks event. The documents do not indicate the costs of the event, and Interior noted that they would continue conducting a separate search on an extended 10-day timeline. However, long past the deadline, they have failed to release documents—even with the extension.
Read moreWith the National Park Service’s (NPS) release of pro-Trump propaganda videos and the Interior Department’s involvement in the Republican National Convention (RNC) firework display, President Trump keeps manipulating federal resources for political purposes. The public deserves to know just how much of our taxpayer dollars are funding thinly-veiled partisan activities meant to boost the president’s electoral prospects.
CREW has requested Interior records on the production cost of two videos, one released in August and the other in October, that apparently violated anti-propaganda law and that do little else but serve to promote Trump. CREW has also requested NPS records on the government funds and resources used to produce fireworks over the National Mall during the RNC.
In addition to the fireworks, Trump’s hosting the RNC on federal grounds has caused a whole host of ethics problems. This includes implicating an overwhelming number of Trump officials in violating the Hatch Act, which prohibits officials from engaging in partisan activities while representing their government position or using government resources. During the convention, Trump also made his 500th visit to one of his properties since becoming president, a reminder of his failure to divest from his businesses and distance himself from industry influence. With Trump continuing to milk every opportunity to profit and promote himself, taxpayers deserve to know just how much of their dollars are funding partisan activities within the Interior Department.