George Santos should not get intelligence information

George Santos should resign from Congress, but should he refuse, Kevin McCarthy must not seat Santos on any committee where he is given access to classified information, according to a letter sent today by CREW.
Santos’s misrepresentations of large swaths of his background have proven his tendency to lie for power and personal gain. It is clear that he has not demonstrated the trustworthiness necessary to guard our country’s most closely guarded secrets.
“Santos’s serial misrepresentations of the truth about a vast array of subjects have demonstrated an astonishing level of untrustworthiness,” said CREW President Noah Bookbinder. “It would be a threat to our national security to allow him to serve on any committee where he would gain access to national intelligence.”
Santos lied about graduating from a university, falsely claimed he worked for two Wall Street firms, and claimed that his grandparents had survived the Holocaust while falsely implying that he is Jewish, among other false or unsupported statements. He claimed he ran a mysterious family firm worth millions, raising questions about whether he lied on any of his Federal Election Commission filings or on his congressional financial disclosure form.
“It defies logic to think that someone who has lied about nearly everything about himself should receive access to our nation’s most guarded secrets simply because he was elected to Congress,” Bookbinder said.