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Senator Toomey killed a bill that cryptocurrency and private equity hated. Now he’s got positions in both industries. That can’t happen again.

[…] Management and the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase—that vigorously opposed the bill. This swift transition from regulating and policymaking to cashing in is the most obvious problem with the revolving door in Washington. Most importantly, this type of corruption creates bad policy by rewarding members of Congress for putting the interests of the wealthy few over the […]

Pat Toomey took a position advising Coinbase after killing financial anti-corruption measure

[…] against the ENABLERS Act. And Apollo Global Management lobbied on the NDAA, which included ENABLERS.  It would be difficult to find a more obvious example of the revolving door than Pat Toomey’s quick transition from regulating the financial sector to working for it. The fact that at the end of his term, he did both […]

Chad Wolf ran Trump’s DHS. His lobbying firm kept his seat warm.

In one of the clearest examples of the dangers of the revolving door in Washington, Donald Trump’s Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf’s former lobbying firm told him they were keeping his seat warm for his return during his tenure at DHS, according to records obtained by CREW. The firm was lobbying DHS at the […]

The filibuster must go: Restore majority rule to save our democracy

[…] to our democracy; and  The Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act, S. 3357 (115th Congress, 2018), which would provide stricter lobbying rules and disclosure requirements, better regulate the revolving door between government service and private employment, establish a mandatory judicial ethics program, and reform federal rulemaking.  Unless majority rule is restored in the Senate, these and […]

Former VA Deputy Secretary Thomas Bowman apparently violated Trump ethics pledge

[…] possibly violating the pledge.  By forcing former government officials to take time before lobbying their agencies, the pledge should have gone a long way to closing the revolving door between the government and private industry. Unfortunately, Bowman’s activity is part of a larger pattern of former Trump administration appointees exploiting loopholes in the ethics pledge […]

Yellen should release Trump’s tax returns to Congress

[…] today by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Constitutional Accountability Center, Free Speech For People, Government Accountability Project, Project On Government Oversight, Protect Democracy, Public Citizen, Revolving Door Project, and Stand Up America.  Representative Richard Neal, the Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, first made the request […]

CREW requests records on Mnuchin lifting sanctions on Israeli billionaire Daniel Gertler

[…] using their political ties to issue last-minute grants of clemency to political and personal allies and people with connections to them, but also an example of the revolving door in the Trump administration, with appointees making political decisions that could benefit future personal pursuits. The timing between Mnuchin’s decision to lift the sanctions, his departure […]

Biden, Trump and Obama ethics pledges, compared

[…] extending his lobbyist restrictions to also cover any registered foreign agents who may be entering the administration.  Ethics Restrictions on Exiting Appointees Biden includes a number of revolving door measures to address perceptions that political appointees may want to enter government to enhance their own marketability, allowing them to profit after leaving government by tapping […]

Kayleigh McEnany’s Financial Disclosure reveals agreement with Fox News

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany may be the latest official to take advantage of the revolving door between Fox News and the Trump administration. According to her termination financial disclosure report, McEnany reached an agreement with the company in January 2021 to start working there this month. During her stint in the Trump […]

Restoring checks on executive power

[…] work to pursue more lucrative opportunities in lobbying or the private sector which creates a brain drain on Capitol Hill and raises potential ethics concerns about the revolving door between government and industry. Low pay is also a barrier to a more inclusive workforce. If working in Congress requires an individual to draw on their […]

Limiting secret money in politics

[…] nonprofits Issue 6: Use of shell companies to conceal federal election spending  Issue 7: A gridlocked and dysfunctional Federal Election Commission Issue 8: Anonymously funded judicial nominations campaigns Issue 9: Weak lobbying disclosure laws Issue 10: The revolving door between paid advocacy and government work Issue 11: Failures to regulate foreign influence in politics and policy