CREW requests OBM nondisclosure agreement requirements
Under the Freedom of Information Act, CREW requests copies of all nondisclosure agreements signed by any OMB official from January 20, 2017 to the present, and any communications from January 20, 2017 to the present concerning these agreements with anyone whose email address includes the domain.
It was recently reported that early in the Trump administration, senior White House officials were pressed to sign nondisclosure agreements barring them from revealing non-public information and subjecting them to damages for any violation of the agreements. Many have questioned the legality and enforceability of these agreements, suggesting efforts to enforce them would violate the First Amendment. The requested records will shed light on whether any officials at OMB signed these agreements and the terms of the agreement – information that is critical for the public to evaluate their lawfulness. The public interest in the ethical behavior of all public servants is at an apex when the officials in question hold positions within the Executive Office of the President.